Hayali: „Wir müssen die Meinung des anderen aushalten“ (d.) + Gilad Atzmon (engl.)

Wow! Genau so ist das:
Hayali: „Wir müssen die Meinung des anderen aushalten“ | JUNGE FREIHEIT

Und so übrigens auch:
In english at a totally different place, totally different issue, but nevertheless and interestingly pretty similar bad behavior (more nasty – but similarly far from truth / openness / objectiveness / freedom):
If They Burn It, You Want To Read It! – Gilad Atzmon

Nachrichten im TV / TV-News in Germany

Es klingt wie Sarkasmus, soll aber ernst rüberkommen: ARD, ZDF + RTL gewinnen Goldene Kameras für tagesthemen, heute journal und RTL Aktuell.

Though sounding like sarcasm, they want us to take it serious: Golden Camera (like Golden Globe in Germany) for the three most popular / public and private TV-News shows – which sound ridiculous at least last months, when they try to sell ‚News‘ about Trump, Putin, Assad & Co. like ‚facts‘, though just opinions, interpretations and stupid worries, good to divide everyone from anyone else..